
Exhibits & Sponsorships

Each year, FMA conferences draw more than 1,600 finance academicians and practitioners. These conferences offer opportunities to place your product in front of key leaders in the industry. Each conference offers unique exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities to reach your target audience.

Digital Advertising

Throughout the academic year, the Financial Management Association International (FMA) distributes six eNewsletters (three per semester) to more than 2,000 undergraduate and MBA student members who participate in the association’s 175+ international student chapters. Each eNewsletter contains industry-specific information, news, and career resources tailored for students.

With an average open rate of 40% (higher than the industry average), the FMA Student eNewsletter offers prime advertising real estate to drive students interested in pursuing graduate-level training to your program’s website.

For more information, click here or contact Shannon Tompkins at +1.833.946.4512 or [email protected]

Job Postings

Advertise job vacancies in FMA's Placement Services Job Board and Resume Bank - the most comprehensive list of doctorally-qualified positions in finance. Click here to learn more about posting a position.

Conference and Call for Papers Listings

Associations and publications may post a brief listing about upcoming finance conferences and call for papers on FMA's Other Conferences webpage at no charge. Click to submit a listing request.


Contact FMA at +1.833.946.4512 or [email protected]u.