Calls for Papers & Participants

Calls for Papers - Publications

Awards, Grants, and Scholarships

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Calls for Papers & Participants

Upcoming Finance Conferences



Submission Deadline

World Finance Conference

30 July - 2 August 2024 CLOSED

21st Corporate Finance Days
Leuven, Belgium

12 - 13 September 2024 CLOSED

1st Modern Finance Conference
Warsaw, Poland

15 - 17 September 2024 Extended to 31 July 2024

Exeter Sustainable Finance Conference
Exeter, England

19 September 2024  CLOSED
Jacobs Levy Center’s 2024 Frontiers in Quantitative Finance Conference
Philadelphia, PA

20 September 2024 CLOSED

SIBR 2024 Hong Kong Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research
Hong Kong, China / Online

21 September 2024 (in person)
22 September 2024 (online)


Cryptocurrency Research Conference 2024
Dubai, UAE

23 - 24 September 2024 Extended to 31 July 2024

Community Banking Research Conference
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

2 - 3 October 2024 CLOSED

IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics (CIFEr) 2024
Hoboken, New Jersey

22 - 23 October 2024


NYSE Microstructure Meets AI Conference
New York, NY

11 November 2024 30 August 2024
Behavioral Research in Finance, Governance and Accounting (BFGA) 2024


29 November 2024 CLOSED

Massey Sustainable Finance Conference
Auckland, New Zealand

2 - 3 December 2024  30 August 2024

New Zealand Finance Meeting 2024
Auckland, New Zealand

5 - 7 December 2024 31 July 2024

Finance Accounting and Economics Track (FAE): India Management Research Conference (IMRC 2024)
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

7 - 9 December 2024 31 July 2024

Santiago Finance Workshop
Santiago, Chile

9 - 10 December 2024 CLOSED

The 2024 International Conference on Sustainability, Environment, and Social Transition in Economics and Finance (SESTEF 2024)
Paris, France

11 - 13 December 2024 30 September 2024

XIII World Finance & Banking Symposium
Abu Dhabi

16 - 18 December 2024 31 July 2024

SIBR 2025 Tokyo Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research
Tokyo, Japan

6 - 8 January 2025 18 October 2024

2025 Bretton Woods Accounting and Finance Ski Conference
Omni Mount Washington Resort, New Hampshire

5 - 8 March 2025 21 October 2024
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Calls for Papers - Publications

Call for Chapters: Financing Nature's Future Edited Book

We invite you to submit a chapter abstract for our forthcoming edited book, titled Financing Nature's Future: A Comprehensive Guide to Biodiversity Finance, to be published by Palgrave-Macmillan. Any previously unpublished chapters on topics such as the Economics of Biodiversity, the Financial Impacts and Dependencies in Different Industries, Risk Assessment and Management, and Policy, Regulation, and Corporate Responsibility are welcome.

Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words, a bibliography for the proposed chapter, and a CV to [email protected] by July 31, 2024.

There are no submission or acceptance fees for submitted manuscripts. For the full call for papers, visit


Call for Papers: Journal of Finance Issues

We are pleased to invite you to submit your papers for possible publication in the Journal of Finance Issues. Any new empirical or theoretical papers in all areas of Finance are welcome including but not limited to Corporate Finance, Investments, Financial Institutions, Global Finance, Real Estate, Risk Management and Insurance, Derivatives, Personal Finance, and Financial Education.

The Journal is sponsored by the Academy of Finance which is one of twelve affiliated international scholarly organizations that make up the MBAA International and holds an annual conference in Chicago, Illinois. The Journal uses double-blind peer review, and the initial review process will be completed within four weeks of reviewer selection.

A low publication fee will be charged before publication of the manuscript. If you are interested in submitting your papers to the Journal of Finance Issues, please go to


Call for Papers: Research Policy -- Special Issue: The Coevolution of Financial and Technological Innovations

Research Policy (RP) is launching a special issue "The Coevolution of Financial and Technological Innovations" which will be guest-edited by Lin William Cong (Cornell U.), Po-Hsuan Hsu (National Tsing Hua University (NTHU)), and John P. Walsh (Georgia Institute of Technology).

Both financial and technological innovations play influential roles in modern economics and society, and they function as two important pillars in the digital economy. However, a systematic introduction and review of the interactions and coevolution between these two types of innovations is lacking and calls for more theoretical considerations and empirical investigations.

This special issue serves as a forum/platform for researchers from each side to exchange ideas and form interdisciplinary teams to enhance our knowledge about the coevolution of financial and technological innovation, which have the potential to deliver results with significant economic and policy implications. For a non-exhaustive list of suggested directions, please refer to the full announcement at The deadline for submission to this special issue is 30 September, 2024. Manuscripts shall be submitted via established Research Policy protocols through Editorial Manager ( When submitting your manuscript, please select “VSI: Financial and Technological Innovations”).


Call for Papers: Journal of Insurance Issues

Jointly Sponsored by the Western and Southern Risk and Insurance Associations, The Journal of Insurance Issues (JII) is a peer‐reviewed scholarly journal that publishes rigorous theoretical and empirical research in the field of risk and insurance. The JII encourages new perspectives and is open to all research methods including, but not limited to, empirical studies, mathematical proofs, laboratory experiments and simulations.

All manuscripts, including empirical manuscripts, need to test, extend, and/or develop new theory that is relevant and timely for public policy or practitioners. Each year, one article from the JII is selected for the prestigious Donald Hardigree Award. The JII is indexed by the ABDC Journal Quality List as a “B” level journal and is also included in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) and in Cabell’s. All issues of the JII are available online through JSTOR. In addition to JSTOR, articles included in the JII are also available in Business Source Complete, ABI/INFORM Global, and RePec, among others.

All submissions should be sent to [email protected]. Manuscripts submitted to the JII must not have been published in, or submitted for concurrent review with, another journal. Successful authors will be required to submit the final version of their papers in MSWord form and assign copyrights to the JII’s publisher.

For more information about the submission and review process, the JII, and/or its sponsoring associations, see the JII website at Email: [email protected] Website:


Call for Papers: Summit Journal

Summit Journal is the official, award-winning publication of AFIRE, the association for international real estate investors focused on commercial property in the United States. Readers stand at the intersection of real estate, institutional investing, data science, and economics. Published multiple times per year in digital and print formats, Summit features articles and original ideas and research from investors, executive leaders, and academics from around the world, focused on the research and analysis of real estate capital markets, cross-border issues, policy, demographics, technology trends, and management topics. Summit is a free, open access trade journal.


Call for Reviewers: Vernon Press

Do you enjoy reading books in economics, social science, humanities? Join our community of book reviewers! To join you must be an expert in one of the areas we publish ( and be prepared to review at least one book every two years. To join please send a brief message expressing interest to: [email protected]. In your message please mention your full name, academic affiliation, area(s) of expertise, and provide either a paragraph-long biographical note and/or a list of publications. For more information, click here.


Call for Papers: Journal of Investment Consulting

Journal of Investment Consulting, published by Investment Management Consultants Association (IMCA), keeps investment management consultants and investment advisors abreast of new research findings in investments and private wealth management. Papers are invited for publishing consideration from academics and qualified practitioners on the following topics: alternative investments, asset allocation, behavioral finance, currency management, extreme value theory and modeling tail risk, impact investing, investment due diligence, manager search and selection, monolithic and flash trading, performance measurement, portfolio construction, regime-switching models, risk management, retirement planning, small-cap investing, stress-testing investment portfolios, and wealth management. Click here to learn more.


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Awards, Grants, and Scholarships 

Doctoral Student Research Grants provided by the Journal of Investment Consulting

The Journal of Investment Consulting provides doctoral research grants on topics that examine recent research in topics relevant to investment consulting and private wealth management. Research proposals are invited from doctoral students on the following topics: alternative investments, asset allocation, currency management, modeling tail risk, investment due diligence, manager search and selection, monolithic and flash trading, performance measurement, portfolio construction, regime-switching models, risk management, retirement planning, small-cap investing, stress-testing investment portfolios, wealth management, and other relevant topics for investment professionals. Click here to learn more.

 Click here to submit a Listing Request


Other Programs and Announcements

Biodiversity and Natural Resource Finance: Call for Research Proposals

Sponsors: The University of Cambridge, the University of Texas at Austin, and the Review of Finance.

Programme chairs: Elroy Dimson, Marcin Kacperczyk, and Laura Starks.

Venue and date: Cambridge, U.K., and October 9, 2024.

Submission deadline: August 15, 2024

OVERVIEW  Biodiversity richness and abundance of natural resources are central to economic prosperity and to cultural and genetic heritage. Yet many of these resources are subject to extinction threats, largely emanating from human activity. It is essential for the wellbeing of both ecosystems and human societies to preserve biodiversity and natural resources. Many sectors are concerned about risks resulting from regulatory initiatives, shocks to agricultural productivity, or depletion of natural resources. Examples include food, forestry, insurance, and real estate, to name a few. To the extent that they can assess and price these exposures, capital markets can help households and institutions to mitigate such risks. They can also exert pressure to drive change in vulnerable geographic locations, economies, and industries. Capital markets research can spur the development and analysis of novel datasets, methodologies and findings that address these important issues that affect the welfare of current and future generations.

To promote research on issues that bear on the financial economics of biodiversity change, the Review of Finance, with the support of the Centre for Endowment Asset Management at the University of Cambridge and the Global Sustainability Leadership Institute of the University of Texas at Austin, is issuing a call for proposals that will culminate in two research conferences. The conferences will be organised by Elroy Dimson of Cambridge University, Marcin Kacperczyk, Managing Editor of the Review of Finance, and Laura Starks of the University of Texas at Austin. The organisers recognise that this proposed body of research is new and there are only a few high-quality finance working papers at this point. As such, the format of the conference will follow a two-stage editorial process, similar to the previously launched initiative of the Review of Financial Studies. The process is designed to encourage researchers to engage in innovative research on the emerging topic of Biodiversity and Natural Resource Finance.

First Stage - In the first stage, there is a call for research proposals. Authors are asked to outline the questions they will address, the methodologies they will use, the model framework they will explore (in the case of theory work) or the data they will gather (in the case of empirical work). Authors are encouraged to offer as much detail as possible on the research design and analyses proposed to interpret the results. The organisers are especially interested in proposals linking scientific data on biodiversity risk to finance and economic questions. Members of a scientific committee, the programme organisers, and the sponsoring editor will evaluate the likelihood that the project will extend our understanding of Biodiversity Finance and be a good fit for publication in the Review of Finance. Researchers of selected proposals will be invited to a workshop, to be held in Cambridge, U.K. on October 9, 2024, where they will present their proposals to peer authors as well as other invited experts for feedback. The organisers expect 8–10 successful proposals to receive invitations to the workshop.

Second Stage - Accepted proposals will continue to the second stage, which will take the form of another conference for completed papers in Spring 2025. This meeting will follow the standard finance conference format. Presentations will describe the original intent and actual execution of the study approved in the first phase, along with the results and interpretation of planned and unplanned analyses. Reviewers and the editor will evaluate whether the authors have executed their planned analyses, whether these analyses conform sufficiently to the original proposal, and whether the authors’ additional analyses and their interpretations are appropriate. A positive evaluation according to these criteria will lead to publication of the final paper in the Review of Finance. The usual standards for publication of high-quality scholarship in finance apply and must be met. If a proposal does not successfully move past the first stage, it does not preclude the possibility that a completed paper based on the same idea could be submitted to the Review of Finance using the normal submission process in the future.

This unconventional two-stage process is intended to encourage researchers interested in Biodiversity Finance to engage in innovative research, gather new data, and think of new models in this frontier topic. The evaluation of the scope and significance of the contribution will be made early in the first stage, and the final decision of acceptance in the second stage will mostly be based on successful execution. Hence, the usual uncertainty about a study’s incremental contribution or fit for a top journal is significantly reduced after the proposal stage.

In addition, for empirical work, authors of the projects can undertake the risky task of data gathering without concern that their paper will be rejected simply because the data did not support their a priori hypotheses. The evaluation will be made based on the significance and scope of the proposal and its successful execution.

PAPER SUBMISSION TOPICS  We welcome both empirical and theoretical research and encourage proposals by scholars from across disciplines outside of financial economics, as well as interdisciplinary submissions.

Suggestions for research topics include:

  • Survey evidence on corporate / investor attitudes to nature loss and biodiversity risks
  • Metrics and methodologies for aggregate firm/project-specific biodiversity risks
  • Interaction between biodiversity and climate risks
  • Real estate prices and flood defences
  • Use of private capital to finance conservation and restoration
  • Monetisation of biodiversity projects
  • Empirical studies of ecological disasters (oil spills, nuclear catastrophes, etc)
  • Corporate exposures to risks from natural capital degradation
  • Biodiversity, disclosure frameworks, law, and regulation
  • Global biodiversity scenarios and financial implications
  • Biodiversity, natural capital, and asset pricing
  • Biodiversity externalities of shareholder or lender activism
  • Design of TNFD compliant funds and tracking error of screened portfolios
  • Agency, governance, and incentives problems that distort risk management of natural capital
  • Modelling the financial risks of stranded assets from regulations regarding natural capital
  • Equilibrium impact of incorporating biodiversity and natural capital in portfolio construction
  • Management of natural capital portfolios (forestry, eco-resorts, etc)
  • Financial / industrial development and biodiversity
The first conference will be held in Cambridge, U.K. on October 9, 2024 at the University of Cambridge. Presenters’ travel costs (economy tickets) will be reimbursed and accommodation will be provided. The second conference will be held in Spring 2025 at a location to be decided later.
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS  Authors should submit their proposals via the Editorial Express system between May 1 and August 15, 2024. Follow the standard submission instructions on the Review of Finance website, indicating at Step 6 of the process that this submission is a “Registered Report – Biodiversity.” Further, the upload in step 5 should indicate the authors’ names.

The submission fee is €75.

The organisers will not consider proposals that are under review at other conferences or at other journals which accept proposal submissions. If authors are uncertain about whether their proposal meets this requirement, it is crucial to alert the editors and inquire before submitting the proposal to the Review of Finance. The proposal should be prepared in two files: one with a cover page including the author names, affiliations, and acknowledgements; and another as an anonymous copy, which does not contain author information and acknowledgements. It should include the following elements:

  1. Title and topic.
  2. Objectives of the study.
  3. Methodologies and research design.
  4. If empirical: data description, proposed tests, key predictions, and ideally planned tables.
  5. If theoretical: model setup, proposed analysis, and key conjectures or predictions.
  6. Timeline of delivery (that fits into the two-stage process). 
Preliminary results are not pre-requisites for a successful proposal, but they are very welcome and helpful for evaluation.

Proposals will be reviewed and selected for presentation by the scientific committee. Authors of papers published in Review of Finance are required to disclose code and data for replication. Authors whose proposals have been accepted to the workshop will be notified by early September 2024.

Questions about the submission process should be addressed to the editorial office of the Review of Finance ([email protected]). Questions about the first conference in Cambridge may be addressed to the Conference Manager, Merve Karakas ([email protected]).

Conference Organisers:

Elroy Dimson, University of Cambridge
Marcin Kacperczyk, Imperial College London and Sponsoring Editor, Review of Finance
Laura Starks, University of Texas at Austin



List an Upcoming Conference, Call for Papers, or Program

Associations and publications may post a brief listing about upcoming finance conferences, calls for papers, or programs on this page at no charge.

Click to submit a listing request.