2023 Applied Finance Conference
12 May 2023 | St. John's University, New York, NY
The Eleventh Annual FMA Applied Finance Conference will be hosted in-person at St. John’s University’s Tobin College of Business's Manhattan campus (101 Astor Place, New York, NY 10003) located in the heart of New York City’s most vibrant neighborhoods.
Please note: St. John's University no longer requires that all campus visitors be fully vaccinated for Covid-19.
The Conference is much smaller and more focused than the FMA’s traditional meetings and includes a relatively small number of papers to provide ample opportunity for presentations and discussion by participants. FMA seeks high-quality papers from scholars and practitioners in the fields of finance and accounting that:
- Inform practice and advance the frontiers of academic research in directions relevant to practice.
- Address issues that are relevant to contemporary issues globally and for policy formation and assessment.
- Introduce new hypotheses that have the potential to stimulate additional research.
Program Co-Chairs
Anna Martin, Executive Director, Applied Finance Institute & Alois J. Theis Endowed Chair in Global Finance St. John's University
Betty Simkins, Regents Professor of Finance, Head, Department of Finance, Williams Companies Chair of Business & Professor of Finance Oklahoma State University
Practitioner Insights Coordinator
Jason Berkowitz, Associate Professor and Department Chair St. John's University

Conference Registration
Online registration is no longer available. Please contact FMA here for alternative registration arrrangements.
The Conference registration fee is $125 and includes the conference program, continental breakfast, luncheon and the closing reception.
Conference Hotels
There is no official conference hotel for the 2023 Applied Finance Conference. A list of hotels near St. John's University with estimated rates and links the hotels' websites is available here.
Conference Program
Featuring Keynote Speaker, Jane Buchan, CEO, Martlet Asset Management 
Jane Buchan is Chief Executive Officer of Martlet Asset Management, an independent firm established in 2018.
Prior to founding Martlet, Jane was Chief Executive Officer of PAAMCO, a fund of hedge funds, which she helped found in 2000, and Co-CEO of the holding company, PAAMCO Prisma Holdings. Under her leadership, the firm grew to $32 billion in assets under management.
Ms. Buchan began her career at J.P. Morgan Investment Management in the Capital Markets Group. She has been an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Amos Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. She recently served as chairwoman of the board for the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association (CAIA) and is a member of the Advisory Board for the Master of Financial Engineering Program at UCLA Anderson School of Management. In addition, she is currently serving on the boards of AGF Management Ltd. and Globe Life Inc.
In 2021 and 2020, Jane was named to the Barron's 100 Most Influential Women in US Finance and in 2015 she was named to the Investhedge Hall of Fame.
Ms. Buchan has been actively involved in initiatives to advance the careers of women in finance and is a founding Angel for 100 Women in Finance. She has also been recognized with numerous industry honors and awards.
Jane holds both a Ph.D. and an M.A. in Business Economics (Finance) from Harvard University. She earned a B.A. in Economics from Yale University. Jane has thirty-four years of experience in investment management and portfolio construction with institutional investors.
Conference Program
Download the full Program here.
Conference Registration and Continental Breakfast (8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Main Entrance in front of Security Desk (Concourse Level)
Session 1 - Public Offerings (8:30 am - 10:15 am) (Room C06)
Chairperson: Jacqueline Garner, Georgia Institute of Technology
Does the Confidential IPO Registration Process Create Value?
Mengnan Zhu, Dickinson College
Monitoring Capital and the Decision to Go Public
Shahram Amini, Univ of Denver | Andrew MacKinlay, Virginia Tech | Johan Sulaeman, National Univ of Singapore | Chishen Wei, Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ
Yini Liu, Western Univ | Kerron Joseph, Western Kentucky Univ
Heng (Emily) Wang, LeMoyne College
Nonna Sorokina, Penn State Univ Scranton
Emma Neuhauser, Elizabethtown College
Practitioner Insights: Andrew MacDonald, Vice President & Senior Analyst, Moody's
Session 2 - Impacts on Markets (8:30 am - 10:15 am) (Room C07)
Chairperson: George Jiang, Washington State University
Market Fragmentation and Price Impact
Lewen Guo, Univ of Memphis | Pankaj Jain, Univ of Memphis
Predicting Recessions Using VIX-Yield Curve Cycles
Anne Lundgaard Hansen, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
US Populist Rhetoric and Currency Returns
Ilias Filippou, Washington Univ in St Louis | Arie E Gozluklu, Univ of Warwick | My T Nguyen, Washington Univ in St Louis | Mark P Taylor, Washington Univ in St Louis
Stacie Tao, New Jersey Inst of Technology
Majeed Simaan, Stevens Inst of Technology
Mikael Bergbrant, St John's University
Practitioner Insights: Victor Flores, Managing Partner, Snowwater Investment Partners, LLC
Coffee Break (10:15 AM -10:30 AM) (1st Floor Hallway)
Session 3 - PANEL SESSION (Rooms 105 & 106)
ESG Conversations on Why We Should Care: A New Look at Research, Regulation and Ratings
10:30 AM - 12:00 Noon
These impactful conversations will address the continuing evolution of ESG with new regulations in the EU and US to promote transparency and uniformity of reporting.
Susan Hume, Associate Professor of Finance
The College of New Jersey
Andrew MacDonald, Vice President & Senior Analyst
Moody's Investor Service
"The Importance of a Rating Agency's ESG Framework and Credit Impact Scores"
Carla Nunes, Managing Director, Office of Professional Practice (OPP)/Valuation Digital Solutions
"A New Global Analysis on ESG Ratings and Market Returns"
Balbinder Gill, Assistant Professor of Finance
Stevens Institute of Technology
"Research and Educational Guidance about Climate and "It's not all about E, but S & G Too" with research on sexual harassment"
Keynote Address (12:00 noon - 1:00 PM) (Rooms 105 & 106)
Featuring Keynote Speaker, Jane Buchan, CEO, Martlet Asset Management
Jane Buchan is Chief Executive Officer of Martlet Asset Management, an independent firm established in 2018.
Luncheon (1:00 PM - 2:00 PM) (Rooms 105 & 106)
Session 4 - Banking and Regulatory Concerns (2:00 pm -3:45 pm) (Room C06)
Chairperson: Sunil Mohanty, Brooklyn College CUNY
Stakeholders' Aversion to Inequality and Bank Lending to Under-served Borrowers
Matteo Crosignani, Federal Reserve Bank of New York | Hanh Le, Univ of Illinois Chicago
The Ring-Fencing Bonus
Irem Erten, Univ of Warwick | Ioana Neamtu, Bank of England | John Thanassoulis, Univ of Warwick
Banking Sector Consolidation and Corporate Financial Policies
Valerio Poti, University College Dublin | William Senyu Wang, Univ of Essex
Yu Shan, Syracuse University
Franz Hinzen, New York University
Alev Yildirim, Queens College
Practitioner Insights: Lizbeth Edwards, Analyst, Deutsche Bank - New York
Session 5 - Various Firm-Level Analyses (2:00 pm - 3:45 pm) (Room C07)
Chairperson: Iftekhar Hasan, Fordham University
Mistaking Bad News for Good News? Mispricing of a Voluntary Disclosure
Jenny Zha Giedt, George Washington Univ | Hyunjung Rim, George Washington Univ
Why do Insiders Sell Stocks after Receiving Options?
Fei Fang, Clark Univ | Parianen Veeren, Concordia Univ | Zhenyang (David) Tang, Clark Univ
Demand Elasticities, Nominal Rigidities and Asset Prices
Nuno Clara, Duke Univ
Stefano Bonini, Stevens Inst of Technology
Caleb Houston, University of Alabama Birmingham
Andrey Ermolov, Fordham University
Practitioner Insights: Thomas Shohfi, Financial Economist, US SEC
Coffee Break (3:45 PM - 4:00 PM) (C06-07 Hallway)
Session 6 - PANEL SESSION (Rooms 105 & 106)
Regulatory Uncertainty in the Cryptocurrency Markets
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
This panel brings perspectives on the future of cryptocurrency markets in the wake of the recent wave of bankruptcies and fallout from the FTX exchange collapse. Given the exigency of regulation in the crypto industry, our panelists present views from academia, industry, and regulator.
Zenu Sharma, Assistant Professor
St. John's University
Ian Kolman, Vice President
Galaxy Digital
Michael Junho Lee, Financial Research Economist
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
David Yermack, Albert Fingerhut Professor of Finance and Business Transformation
Stern School of Business, New York University

Presenting authors appear in bold.
Conference Reception (5:30 PM - 6:30 PM) (Cullom Davis LIbrary, 2nd Floor)
Paper Submissions
The paper submission deadline was Wednesday, 1 February 2023. The submission fee was $25 FMA members; $35 non-members. We are not longer able to accept submissions. Decision letters were sent on 22 March 2023. If you have not received your letter, please contact FMA here.
Call for Papers
Click here to read the Call For Papers.
#FMAAFC2023 - Follow the Conversation
During the conference, use the hashtag #FMAAFC2023 to follow the conversation on Twitter (@finmgmtassoc) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/FMA.org).
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