2025 Consortium on Asset Management 

Monday, 24th February 2025
Cambridge, England

Click here to register


Supported by Cambridge Judge Business School's Centre for Endowment Asset Management (CEAM) and FMA, the Consortium is designed for European finance faculty who are currently working on research in asset management and related topics. Priority will be given to researchers who have received their doctorates within the last five years.

The consortium will be focused, with 6 high-quality papers, discussants, and a limited number of other researchers. Distinguished members of the finance profession, and practitioners, will provide feedback to presenters and discuss issues in asset management as well as aspects of academic publishing and career development.

The theme for this year’s workshop will be Asset Management. We particularly encourage papers within this theme that focus on: corporate governance and voting, financial market history, traditional and alternative asset classes, mutual funds, hedge funds, and responsible investing.

The consortium will be held as an in-person event. Applicants must be able to travel to Cambridge, England, for the Consortium.

Consortium Goals

  • Present high-quality new and unpublished research
  • Bring together younger scholars working in asset management and related topics and help them benefit from engaging with each other and gaining exposure to more senior faculty

Best Paper Prize

The Best Paper recipient will receive $1,000 USD and an invitation to present the paper at a future FMA European Conference.


08:15 Onsite badge collection


Welcome & Introductions

Mark Hutchinson
Professor and Chair of Finance
Univ. College Cork

Oğuzhan Karakaş
Associate Professor in Finance
Univ. of Cambridge

Mark Mulcahy
Professor in Corporate Finance
Univ. College Cork

Pedro Saffi
Professor of Financial Economics
Univ. of Cambridge


Stealthy Shorts: Informed Liquidity Supply

Amit Goyal, Adam Reed, Esad Smajlbegovic, Amar Soebhag


Dimitris Andriosopoulos
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow


MiFID II Research Unbundling

Richard Evans, Juan Pedro Gomez, Rafael Zambrana


Thomas Conlon
University College, Dublin

10:30-11:00 Break with Coffee and Tea in the Function Room


Producing AI Innovation and Its Value Implications

Ali Ahmadi, Ambrus Kecskes, Roni Michaely, Anh Nguyen


Lucy Wang
University of Cambridge


Socially responsible investing and multinationals’ pollution: Evidence from global remote sensing data

Virginia Gianinazzi, Victoire Girard, Mehdi Lelali, Melissa Porras Prado


Stefan Ruenzi
University of Mannheim

12:30-13:30 Lunch in the Function Room  


Keynote Presentation – (Not) Everybody's Working for the Weekend: A Study of Mutual Fund Manager Effort

Richard Evans
University of Virginia


14:30-14:45 Break with Coffee and Tea in the Function Room


Oracles of the Vote: Predicting the Outcomes of Proxy Contests

Scott Hirst, Oğuzhan Karakaş, Ting Yu


Abhinav Goyal
Birmingham Business School



Machine Learning Mutual Fund Flows

Jürg Fausch, Moreno Frigg, Stefan Ruenzi, Florian Weigert


Daniele Bianchi
Queen Mary, University of London

16:15-16:25 Best Paper Award Voting
16:25-16:35 Short Break
16:35-16:45 Announcement of the Best Paper Winner and Closing Remarks.


Keynote Presenter

Richard B. Evans, Donald McLean Wilkinson Research Chair and Senior Associate Dean for Research, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia

Richard Evans is the Senior Associate Dean for Research and holds the Donald McLean Wilkinson Research Chair at the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business.

His research deals broadly with investment decisions, and his current research projects explore fund manager compensation and incentives, exchange-traded funds, corporate political activity and stock performance, short-selling and quantitative vs. fundamental investment strategies. His work has been published in the Journal of Finance, the Journal of  Financial Economics and the Review of Financial Studies and has been cited by the financial press (The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist and Forbes) as well as regulatory agencies (Securities and Exchange Commission, U.S. General Accounting Office and the White House Council of Economic Advisors).

He has presented his research to the SEC, Federal Reserve, Social Security Administration, European Central Bank, and the American Finance Association. He currently serves on the editorial board of the Financial Analysts Journal and as the Academic Director of the Money Management Institute's Executive IQ Program. He has also taught executive education courses for investment professionals from Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Sands Capital Management, and Citizens Bank. He has been the recipient of a Santander Research Fellowship at Cambridge University, a Senior Research Fellowship at the Long-Term Investors think tank at the Università di Torino, and he has served as a visiting faculty member at Nova Universidade de Lisboa. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in chemistry from the University of Utah and a master’s degree and doctorate in finance from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.



IMPORTANT INFORMATION - If you are not a citizen of the United Kingdom, you may need to apply for an Electronic Travel Authorization. Please use this link for more information and to apply: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/apply-for-an-electronic-travel-authorisation-eta

The fee to register for the Consortium will be $60 USD. Travel expenses, and accommodation, are the responsibility of each registrant. Lunch and refreshments will be provided on the day of the Consortium.

Click here to register

If you have any enquiries, please contact [email protected].

Location and Accommodation

The Consortium will take place at Christ's College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England. Please note that photography is not permitted on College grounds.

Attendees are required to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements. The onsite hotel for this event is:

Hotel du Vin Cambridge
15-19 Trumpington Street
United Kingdom
Tel: 01223928991


Formal Participant Letters & Invitations

For participants seeking a formal invitation from FMA for either institution support or visa requirements, please contact Dawn Appleby at +1.833.946.4512 or [email protected]. Participants must be registered for the conference in order to receive a requested letter. 

Consortium Co-Chairs

  • Mark Hutchinson, Professor and Chair of Finance, University College Cork
  • Oğuzhan Karakaş, Associate Professor in Finance, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
  • Mark Mulcahy, Professor in Corporate Finance, University College Cork
  • Pedro Saffi, Professor of Financial Economics, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge


THANK YOU to our sponsors and supporters

We would like to thank the Cambridge Centre for Endowment Asset Management (CEAM) for their kind support and collaboration. 

Centre for Endowment Asset Management (CEAM)
Based within Cambridge Judge Business School, the Centre for Endowment Asset Management is a research and education centre dedicated to further scholarship and understanding of long-horizon investing. Many institutions, including endowments, foundations, charities, families, and sovereign funds, have a long-term focus, and they confront a unique set of investment challenges.
The Centre’s primary objective is to participate in research, teaching, and knowledge sharing that extends knowledge and understanding of how to address these issues.
With the philanthropic support received from its funders, CEAM is able to facilitate research engagement and dissemination activities amongst academics and practitioners, such as this event.



Past Consortium Programs

  • View the program from the 2024 Consortium on Asset Management
  • View the program from the 2023 Consortium on Asset Management
  • View the program from the 2022 Consortium on Asset Management and Fintech 
  • View the program from the 2020 Consortium on Asset Management
  • View the program from the 2019 Consortium on Factor Investing
  • View the program from the 2018 Consortium on Trading Strategies and Institutional Investing
  • View the program from the 2017 Consortium on Institutional Investing and Hedge Funds
  • View the program from the 2015 Consortium on Activist Investors, Corporate Governance and Hedge Funds
  • View the program from the 2014 Consortium on Research in Hedge Funds, Trading Strategies & Related Topics

#FMAConsortium2025 - Follow the Conversation

During the conference, use the hashtag #FMAConsortium2025 to follow the conversation on X (Twitter) (@finmgmtassoc) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/FMA.org).

Call for Papers

Click here for the Call for Papers

Applications to present current research will be selected on a competitive basis, with priority given to European finance faculty who have been awarded their doctorate within the last five years. Criteria will include the nature of the research problem, the implications of the proposed research, the quality of the research design, and the expected contribution of the research to the literature.

The paper submission fee is $50 USD for FMA members and $60 USD for non-members.

Accepted presenters will be exempted from paying the Consortium registration fee and will be invited to a conference networking dinner. One night’s accommodation will be covered for the presenters.

The editors of Financial Management (FM), the flagship journal of FMA International, will be apprised by the conference program committee of papers that the committee assesses to be of particularly high-quality.  In select cases, the editors will “lightly solicit” papers for submission to FM by offering fast-turnaround, high-quality reviews, waived initial submission fees, and enhanced marketing of papers that are eventually accepted through this submission route. Referees for “lightly-solicited” papers will be made aware that the paper was invited for submission by the editors.  While these invitations do not promise eventual publication of papers in FM, the invitations are only offered to a small number of papers each year that the respective FMA conference program committees identify as likeliest to clear the bar for publication in FM without major revisions.

The submission deadline was Sunday, 27 October 2024. We are no longer accepting submissions.